with Megan Cuzzolino

Sundays, 4:00-5:30 PM

March 16-30, 2025

Join us for a 3 week series to lay the foundation for a safe and strong yoga practice to support you for years to come. Because group classes often move quickly, it's easy to for misalignments to become habit and more difficult to correct them later on.  

Like a package of small group private lessons, you'll learn the correct way to hold the classical postures of yoga, the correct way to breathe and the correct way to connect the two to move fluidly.  Geared toward brand new beginners but also open to those who wish to go back to square one and set a solid platform for the continuous development of their practice.  

Week One - Sun Salutation A, Core Integration and Breath Control

Week Two - Warrior Poses and Sun Salutation B

Week Three - Hip and Shoulder Opening Standing Poses and Beginning Inversions



Saturday, April 12th, 5:00-6:30 PM with Nami Soga + Myda El-Maghrabi

Saturday, May 10th, 5:00-6:30 PM with Nami Soga + Myda El-Maghrabi

Join us for a deeply rejuvenating evening of restorative and yin yoga paired with sound healing. Drop into a slower natural rhythm and listen to the subtleties of the body. In yin yoga, poses are held for extended periods of time to target the deep connective tissues and fascia throughout the body. The essence of yin yoga is to surrender and allow a transformative, restorative, and meditative release in the physical body and energetic body. In restorative yoga, bolsters, blocks, blankets and straps are used to support the body so that it can experience the sensation of being fully held. This workshop is open to both beginners and advanced practitioners -anyone in need of a little nurture.

$35 per session in advance, $40 day of event

Please note: This workshop regularly sells out and we only open one spot on the waitlist. Please book early. Every person attending must register individually. If you purchase two tickets in MBO or on our website, you will not automatically reserve two spots. Please ask the person joining to create an account and register. If you would like to pay for your guest, you must email the name and email of your guest to with at least 48 hours of notice, and we can charge your card on file and add your guest to the roster. They will not show up on the roster and their spot will go to someone else if you purchase two tickets under your account.


with Lauren Fecarotta

April 2-9, 2025

Spring is called the “king of seasons” in Ayurveda and considered an ideal time for cleansing. As the seeds planted in the fall begin to sprout new life, we have the opportunity to feed the same energy within ourselves. Take a week to lighten the load - in terms of your work and social engagements, the food you cook yourself, and the tasks you ask yourself to balance. Go within and take stock of what feels heavy and sludgy from the long winter and intentionally create a channel through which it can be released.

 This is largely a whole foods cleanse that eliminates processed food, dairy, meat, refined sugar and alcohol.  We'll also move through a 3 day juice/smoothie/almond milk/broth semi fast over the weekend.  You'll emerge from the week with a ligher step, sharper mind, clearer skin, brighter eyes and a fresh new perspective for the season ahead!  Please visit the FAQ page of for more information. You may register there so that we have your correct address for shipping of your kit.

Important Dates:

Registration deadline: Monday, March 24th, 10:00 AM (supply kits are made fresh in advance of the meeting and can be shipped throughout the US)

Pre-detox meeting (for registered students): Sunday, March 30th, 5:00-6:30 PM. Meeting will be live streamed via Zoom and open to participants nationwide.

Midweek yoga class and check in: Saturday, April 5th, 6:45-8:00 PM (in person, optional)

Cleanse dates: April 2-9, 2025

What's Included?

Pre-detox lecture covering the fundamentals of Ayurveda (live streamed)

Mid-week detox flow class and group check-in (in-person)

8 recorded yoga classes, each under 45 minutes

8 days of coaching including daily email answers to any questions sent

90 page color manual with daily practices and recipes

Hand blended loose tea for the season and a tea ball

Handmade abhyanga body oil for the season

Local raw honey

Imported organic spices

Ayurvedic herbs and vitamins

Copper tongue cleaner

Dry skin brush

Spring bonus! 8 Day pass to Lucent Yoga for in-studio or online classes

Online cart for Pressed Juicery so that you can order the appropriate juice for your 3 day semi fast (approximately $100 total cost)

Cost: $165

($155 for unlimited members, use code LUCENTMEMBER)